Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weekend Update

Down 0.4 this morning! Which is soo slow and painful but it's the right direction. I guess even if I maintain for a while that wouldn't be the worst thing I could do. But ideally I want to keep losing!

I know what I need to do....I NEED to exercise more. But everyone says you need to find what you love or you won't stick to it. And that is completely true for me! I'm not a gym person - way too intimidated! I started the 30 day shred and C25K but I struggle to keep them up.

I love to walk and I walk as many places as possible so it isn't like I don't get any exercise but I need to get more intense cardio and some strength training.

So I'm throwing it out there - help me! What do you do for exercise?

ALSO I am going to give myself a tracking challenge. I used to be so good at tracking and now I am doing it a few days a week and then not doing it the rest. So I'm challenging myself to track everyday ALL week. I challenge YOU too....let me know how it goes and I'll update next week :)

1 comment:

  1. Liz, how tall are you? How much more weight do you want to lose before calling goal? 114 seems pretty much TINY!
    You are doing great! Maybe try spinning? I feel IN LOVE with it!



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