Sunday, November 8, 2009

Make Ahead Meals

Where does the weekend go?! After my first week back to work my much needed weekend just seemed to fly by! Friday night I went rock climbing, Saturday I did some volunteer work and then Jeff and I spent the afternoon going for a walk in the beautiful weather and then headed out to dinner to celebrate our first weeks of work :)

Today was spent mostly relaxing, another long walk, some tv....a pretty relaxing day! I also spent some time tonight getting tomorrows dinner all set to go. I am really appreciating how far a little prep work can go to making life easier for the week. By the time I got home from work last week, helped cook dinner, ate and cleaned up there wasn't a whole lot of time to make lunch for the next day, do errands, chores...etc let alone keep up with all my tv shows :P

Sooo i am planning on doing prep work on Sunday as often as possible. Every time I used to read people suggesting to do work ahead of time, I'd think - well isn't it all the same in the end? But today I found spending a couple hours on a lazy Sunday seems a lot easier than on a dark night when your starving and rushing!

This afternoon I threw together a Weight Watcher's macaroni that is all ready to throw in the oven tomorrow and enjoy! (I will let you know how it works although I'm not expecting problems...) I didn't add the tomatoes or broccoli like Mary suggested because to be honest the idea of the cherry tomatoes didn't really appeal to me and I wasn't sure what everyone else would think of the broc. So instead I washed and chopped some broccoli that's all ready to be steamed and served on the side. Pretty excited to try it all and skip out on the clean up tomorrow...

Starting with just one meal this week but if it works well and I get more ideas, I would love to start making two or three meals ahead to save even more time during the week.

What are you favourite things to prep ahead so they are ready quickly while you're busy? (How do you like my first ever question? Thought it was worth a try...)

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?




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