Friday, May 8, 2009

My first gain (sort of)

Okk so I actually thought this week I wasn't going to gain after all. But I did yesterday morning I was +0.6. But today I weighed in for May at the WW center and was down 0.2 so I'd really rather use that one. However, I need to be honest and Thursday is my weigh in day so I finally wrote down the gain in my tracker. I know it's a small gain so there's no use stressing over it. It's only disapointing because it's my only gain since new years when I started. Which I guess is still something to be proud of. I just need to recommit to tracking and working extra hard like I know I can.

Today has been a light eating day. I went shopping with my mom and grabbed a salad in the food court now were making warm goat cheese salads for dinner! Yum, I've eaten them all week but I never get sick of them! Havn't drank my water tho, so I am trying to cram it all in!

Should be a good weekend, visiting my grandmother tomorrow for mothers day and celebrating with my mom on Sunday.

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. OMG first gain since Jan 1!!!! I'd say that's something to be proud of! And a TINY gain at that Liz. You're doing awesome :-)



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