Thursday, April 2, 2009

WI and general thoughts

Alrighty another weigh in come and gone. This week I was down 0.2. A small amount but I'm still avoiding gaining so I'll take it.

After doing some thinking and also lots of reading of the WW message boards and lots of wonderful blogs, I've been trying to be a little less obsessed with food and so the small loss could be a factor of that. While I want to be healthy and committed to the program I started to feel a little out of control, like the program was consuming my life. Like last week, my mom happened to be in town and asked if I wanted to get some dinner. My first reaction was to be worried about it because I hadn't planned for it and didn't have many points left.

When I did WW the first time I only tracked in my head, never on paper. And I refused to count milk or fruit because I felt like I should be entitled to them. And you know what - I still lost 20 lbs. Maybe it was slower than some people but I got there.

And now since I only have 7 or so pounds left anyway I feel like I shouldn't rush at the cost of being compulsive. I didn't track the last two days but I started again today. I don't want to stop tracking but I'm glad I feel okay about having gone those two days without tracking (on paper that is). Because there was a time where I wouldn't feel I could go to bed without writing it all down.

I'm not knocking what anyone else is doing. I guess my point of all this is you need to find what works for you. But it's worth taking a second to think about it, and not just following what is working for other people. Weighing and measuring and tracking is really important and I plan on keeping it up. But it isn't worth beating myself up over on the days that I can't.

This is a lifestyle....and I can't live my whole life so obsessed. So I'm going to try and be more relaxed for the next little while and if it goes horribly wrong with the scale then I'll reevaluate. I'm actually hoping focusing more on other things and taking the pressure off might have really good results.

I'll keep you posted :)

1 comment:

  1. I understand waht you are saying. I feel like if I track every little thing every day, I'm not able to relax and enjoy life.

    I don't track on weekends or if I go on holidays, So far I have continued to loose weight on those events because in my head I know what are the good choices and what are the bad choices. I don't usually deprive myself of a treat but keep the portion of that treat small.

    I suppose if I did track everything I would be seeing my loss a little quicker, but I am happy with the progress. I am learning to eat healthier and challenge my palate more.

    Everyone has a system that works for them, as long as they are enjoying life, that is all that matters :D



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