Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sweet Potato Fries

Today I have just been in the house all day working so I decided to treat myself to a real dinner (as opposed to the quick salad or wrap I usually throw together). And even at that, the dinner wasn't anything fancy - frozen broccoli, veggie chicken and sweet potato fries. It was awesome - the sweet potato fries were the best part. And there were pretty easy too - here's all I did:

Peel the sweet potato. Cut into strips. Whisk together 1 egg white and 1 tsp of olive oil. Toss with sweet potatoes and some seasoning (I used garlic salt) Bake at 450 for 15 min, turn and bake for 10 more min. Make sure you use foil because they stick!

This isn't a picture of mine because I forgot to take a pic - I'm still getting used to thinking of doing that! But you get the picture. They were super good and sweet potatoes are really good for you :)

Okay so today's menu:


Grilled cheese on weight watcher bread
Minestrone soup

Apple with 1 tbsp of melted peanut butter (try this! it's really good)

Veggie Chicken
Brocoli and cauliflower
Sweet potato fries

Vitamuffin and strawberries

Daylight savings tonight! No too happy about the lost hour but I do enjoy the light so I guess it's worth it! Hope you're having a good weekend.


  1. Wow're doing awesome!!! The sweet potato fries look delicious...and I love sweet potatoes. Doug actually has made those on occasion, but not for a long time.

  2. I've been dreaming about sweet potato fries! I never thought about adding egg whites, I will have to try that. And the melting of peanut butter on apples less would go further... GREAT tip!!! :)



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